
Thank you for choosing Stillwater Children’s Theatre. Since 2006 we have been dedicated to providing young people with creative and meaningful experiences in all aspects of theatre art. This program is designed to help children learn by doing. Students will learn both basic and more advanced theatre concepts and work to develop performance skills in acting, improvisation, singing, movement, and dance. We are incredibly excited for you to join us. We believe that programs like ours have the ability to positively shape life-long behaviors and attitudes through providing a safe, fun, and exciting environment that encourages creativity, expression, friendship, and learning.


Enrollment can be made online anytime new programming is officially announced on our website or social media. Enrollment in SCT requires a commitment to attend all classes, scheduled rehearsals, and participation in performances. If an absence is unavoidable, please email stillwaterchildrenstheatre@gmail.com.


Enrollment is on a first-come basis and payment is required to ensure your child’s place. Each student must complete a SCT enrollment and liability release form. Tuition must be paid upon registration unless payment plans have been established or scholarship arrangements are made. Tuition for all classes includes scripts, music, and materials.


Stillwater Children’s Theatre has financial aid available for all regular programming to children and families who may not have the means to otherwise attend. Need-based scholarships are available each semester, however funds are limited. Scholarship information and application forms are available upon request.


Students withdrawing from a class within the first two weeks of the semester will receive a tuition refund minus the $50 class processing and placement fee included in the tuition cost. Students remaining on the roll will be responsible for the full semester’s tuition. It is the responsibility of the parent to contact the Education Director by phone or email if a student wishes to withdraw from a class. All of our programs are designed to run over a specified time. Because of our format, we will not prorate tuition for any reason. We also do not offer refunds for unused portions of tuition, including for illnesses, withdrawing mid-session, dismissal due to behavioral issues, etc.


To ensure the highest quality learning environment students will initially be placed at a level based on age and academic level. Our goal is to give each student the opportunity to excel, and therefore, it is important for each student to have the training, experience, and maturity necessary to achieve success. As necessary, students will be evaluated on ability and experience and recommendations made on the appropriate classes, productions, and roles based on what will best suit each student’s needs and abilities.


When a student engages in inappropriate behavior that threatens the health or safety of herself/himself or others or causes a disruption to other student’s ability to participate in the program the following steps will be taken by our staff.

• Immediate action will be taken to stop the behavior and redirect to appropriate behaviors.

• If the behavior persists the student will be given a verbal warning.

• If the behavior continues to persist, a second warning and class time-out will be given and an email will be sent to the parent.

• If the behavior continues the student will be referred to the Education Director and will result in an in-person meeting between the student, parent, and instructor.

A positive attitude and cooperation from all students are vital to the success and happiness of the group as a whole and therefore any disruptive or violent behavior will not be tolerated. Stillwater Children’s Theatre reserves the right to determine who is and is not suitable for our programs. If a child displays persistent inappropriate behavior, or if they are violent or destructive to property, we may at our discretion dismiss the student from our program. There is no tuition refund for students who are dismissed due to behavior.


We typically send out emails prior to the start of and during the course of the semester that contain important and useful information. We encourage all parents to look out for the following emails and read them carefully. Emails are sent to the address provided during enrollment.


We aim to provide a positive learning environment for all children and are committed to ensuring your child’s success during their time with us. We encourage parents and guardians to reach out to us to discuss any accommodations or needs that your child may have. Letting us know of potential behaviors in advance allows us to create proactive strategies for your child with your input.